Want to know how to add an extra 6-figures to your Coaching Business with a Programship®?

In this episode, I share about WHY I created the Programship® Model and the BIG problems it has helped me to solve in my Business.

We look at:

 – Why running a Programship is an ETHICAL addition to your Business, that helps your Clients to get results…

 – How many hours a week it took me to create a 6-figure income stream with my Programship…

 – How many hours a week I actually spend DELIVERING the Programship to my Clients (hint – it’s WAY less than you might think!)

 – Why taking the best bits of both the Program and Membership models and merging them together to make a Programship is going to be the smartest move you could make with your Coaching Business…

Can’t wait to share this with you!

Laura x

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Hi, welcome along to a brand new episode of the recurring revenue rocks show. I’m Laura Jeffrey. It’s great to have you here today. So for this new episode, I’m going to focus in on how you can add an extra six figures to your coaching business with a program ship. So program ships are something which I’m hugely in love with the word programship is kind of phrase that I coined because it’s summed up how I was beginning to move forward with my business.

So to rewind a little bit, this is like the program ship model is something that I came up with to solve a problem that I had in my own coaching business. So if we rewind back to the end of 2020, it had been the first year of a new business that I’d set up, Laura Jeffrey coaching. I’ve got other businesses that I run,

but I’d moved into the world of coaching. 2020 was my first kind of year of really kind of putting myself into that coaching, coaching business and starting to make money with that new business. So at the end of 2020, I’d made money. I’d replace like what I used to earn when I was an event manager. So that was all good. I was earning like salary equivalent.

I’d made like $36,000 in the year. It wasn’t moving as quickly as I wanted, I was making money. I was learning a lot from my clients from the kind of, from the offers that I was putting out. I was learning a lot about what offers were landing and I’ve found that I was really enjoying working with people kind of on a close basis,

really getting to know about their businesses and really understanding the problems that they were struggling with so that I could help them the best. I realized that that was a trait that I had. And by the end of 2020, I’d kind of put out a lot of different offers. So one-to-one offers kind of low priced course offers. I’d put out some kind of cohort based small group coaching offers,

but I wasn’t making the progress that I wanted towards my goal. And also being the kind of person that I am. I really crave simplicity in my life and in my business. So the more simple things are the more straightforward they are to run and the less kind of crazy stuff there is. Think about the better I function. So I kind of knew that I had all these different kind of offers and things going on.

I knew that I really enjoyed working with people on a close basis. I also knew from my work in that year from having run a Netflix style membership, I had realized that, you know, growing my business by working with loads of people at a small monthly rate was not really the way I wanted to move forward. I wanted to have a premium offering where I could really help people make kind of massive progress or to,

to complete their transformation with the problem, which I helped them solve. And that I really wanted to work closely with people, but at the same time, I didn’t want to work solely on a one-to-one basis. I wanted to kind of scale in a slightly different ways than that. So I knew that the kind of like with the program model, people were kind of brought in and cohorts and kind of whisked through this kind of curriculum very quickly and then kind of almost dropped at the end because that’s the way the program model had worked programs that are taken place in taking place in taking part in.

And I didn’t really want that either. Cause I was like, Hmm, I’ve heard about what the completion rates are for these courses online and for these programs. And it’s not good. It’s like 5%, right. Have you guys all heard this stat? It’s like 5% not cool, not cool at all. And I was like, no, I want better for my people,

man. I want better for me than that. I want to be able to run this in a way that is ethical, where I can say that, you know, a lot of people that sign up to my, to, to work with me are actually completing the thing that they’ve signed up to complete. So I knew that 5% that wasn’t going to cut it for me.

And equally I knew that I didn’t just want to work on a one-to-one basis either. I knew that I didn’t want to work solely on a Netflix style membership basis. So I was like, I’ve got to come up with something here that works for me. So I came up with the program ship idea as the kind of best of both worlds as like a perfect combination of all the best bits of the things that were currently available in the market to make it work for me.

So program ship basically covers off like the best of programs and the best of memberships with a premium feel all mushed together to create this wonderful kind of format for rolling out your work on mass to the masses at once without having to add any more one-to-one work to your business. So if you want to, like I did last year, so fostering fast forwarding a year,

an hour to 20 to the end of 2021, I had made six figures in my business with this new method, with this program ship method. And I was so happy because I had found a way to ethically deliver my work when people were completing the work because they had access to me, but in a way that was really time efficient for me as a business owner.

So my one of my top core values is freedom. It’s a really big deal for me. I need to have the freedom to kind of not manage a full-time team. I need to have the freedom to work on my own schedule. I need to have the freedom to work around my kids and my family and my home and my friends and the stuff that I want to do.

I don’t want to be pinned down to kind of having to spend loads and loads of time at my desk. I like to kind of chop and change things a little bit more than that. So I knew that with my own program ship model, I needed it to tick all these boxes for me as a business owner. And now that I’ve been doing this for over a year and I’ve seen the results that it can get,

I’m now showing people how they can create program shifts in their own coaching businesses too. So I’m just really happy to share this with you because I’ve got these kind of results. I’m quite a like typical Virgo, I suppose. Like I love all the analysis and looking at the numbers and the figures and comparing things and seeing what works and what doesn’t work so that I can kind of make things better as I go forward.

So to sum things up. So in a nutshell, a program ship is a way to scale your coaching business without having to add in more one-to-one or discovery calls to make that extra money. And as I went through my first year of running my program, shipping my business, I had priced it at $1,000. So $997 per person, and I tested a lot of different price points.

So I went as high as $1,500 and kind of everything in between. See what sold, what worked for me with the program ship that I was delivering. And what I did was I kept a really detailed record as I went through the year to keep tabs on how much time I was spending, you know, delivering this program ship, how much time it took to create and what I found and to sell as well,

obviously to promote and to market and to tell people about it. So what I found was throughout the year, the first year of this program, shit bear in mind. So this is kind of where quite a lot of the legwork goes on in terms of what you’re setting up, you’re creating content for your program ships, that kind of thing. In that first year,

I worked an average of less than 20 hours a week. So it was never over 20 hours. And throughout that year, I had kind of spread throughout the days quite a lot. But by the end of the year, I was taking Fridays off, which I was really excited about. So just kind of fitting in those 20 hours, those 20 working hours,

Monday to Thursday, sometimes less than that, I’ve got kids to look after in the school holidays and that kind of thing. And basically I don’t want to be at my desk all the time. So I chopped and changed those hours quite a bit. And some days I’d work a lot less hours than other days. It depends if I was promoting or not.

But the average was around about 20 hours a week. And off of those 20 hours, about three hours of those was actually spent delivering the program ship to my clients. So the way that worked for me was so with the program ship model, what I encourage you to do is to set up a portal like a training portal where you can house the,

the kind of the curriculum, if you like of the program ship. So you’re taking your clients on a transformational journey, a point a to point B, and there are certain things that you will definitely be able to record and put into a portal so that people can study in their own time when they sign up, they get access to the portal and they can go through the trainings to get them from their point a where they are now,

which is where they’re struggling through to point B where they’ve got their transformation and they’re not, they’re not struggling anymore. So you’ve got to figure out what you want to put in that transformation journey. What’s going to actually go into that. How are you going to share it? So for me, that takes the place of it takes the form of workbooks and prerecorded videos.

So I put those into a portal, which my clients get access to as soon as they sign up for the program ship. And then in addition to that, you’ve got a client community. So this is kind of, this is snugly. This isn’t like one of those, you know, like when you sign up for these huge programs that take place online with like hundreds of people in them,

and you don’t really know kind of, you just like whipped along in this huge cohort and it’s all a little bit kind of whistle-stop and you don’t really kind of necessarily, you might not make the progress that you want to make because everything’s moving along so quick with a program Shep you’re actually, you’re giving people the benefit of almost like a set term memberships.

So you’re taking people along with you for six months to 12 months, so that people have got time to go through that portal of trainings, but they’ve also got time to implement. So this is the problem that I found so often with a lot of the programs that I’d taken part in either on a one-to-one basis, working with a coach or kind of taking part in big courses,

online, big programs online is that you’d get kind of like whipped along in this frenzy for about usually 12 weeks, eight weeks, something like that. And then at the end it was gone. It was just like, oh, okay. I haven’t got anyone else to ask my questions to now, whilst I actually implement this, this shizzle, you know,

this stuff. So what I wanted to create with the program ship model was a way of kind of ethically looking after people a lot better, like making sure that people have the time to implement and the time to ask me questions, but in exchange for that kind of that environment, that would come with a premium price tag. So I think what I’ve found in my,

kind of in my history when I was wanting Netflix style memberships, is that I still wanted to provide this epic level of support, but like 25 bucks a month, it didn’t make sense. It would cripple me. I would be exhausted if I carried on, on that, on that model, you can’t work look after like hundreds or thousands of people giving them each kind of really,

really close, personal bespoke attention. Right? So with the program ship model, you’re actually going to aim to go out to a lot fewer people. So I would say as a challenge for you, or as a task for you have a think about how you could make a hundred grand in a year from your program ship. It makes sense that you might want to do it like a hundred places at $1,000,

or you might want to do 50 places at $2,000. It’s all about the transformation that you provide and the level of, you know, the, the level of importance I suppose, or the level of value of the transformation that you provide. So for me, the transformation that I provide is really high valued. So I help people to make like an extra six figures in their coaching business each year.

So of course, that’s going to have a higher price tag attached to it, right? So with my own program ship, now that I’m running, which is called the a program ship method intensive that’s 5,000 pounds. So that is very much like amazing value considering that you’ll be able to take what I teach and coach you on, in that intensive to help you make six figures in one year.

And that’s just one year, think about all the years after that. So 5,000 is a snip, right? That’s amazing value considering what you’re getting. So you’ve got to think about the transformation that you’re providing with your program ship. What is the level of, you know, value that it’s worth to people are a, a love coach. Do you help people find love if you do the,

the value of that is massive. It’s huge. You’re kind of like, it’s almost priceless to help someone to find true lasting love. Oh my gosh. That is huge. So you got to think about the value of what it is that you provide with your program share. So I’ll talk in another, another one of these episodes about how you can price your,

your program ship. But so the idea with the program ship model though, is that, like I was saying a moment ago, if you’re looking to hit six figures, this is a wonderful way to do it because you can actually kind of dovetail this in with your current coaching business model. So say your kind of growing your business at the moment, purely on a one-to-one basis,

you’ve got a load of discovery calls to do. You’ve got loads of one-to-one sessions. You’re probably over courting people in the, in the DM is trying to get them to get off the fence and invest with you. That’s a lot of your time gone. Oh my goodness, mate, that’s a lot of your time gone. So for me, instead of doing all of that work,

all of the discovery calls and all that kind of thing, I work on a, an attraction marketing basis instead, which again, I’ll go into more depth in, on a different episode, but essentially I do live selling kind of on workshops on live launch events. And that is what converts people, because you give such a high level of awesome content in your marketing,

and you’re being very upfront with people about what they need to do. There’s not actually the needs to get people on a sales call. Absolutely get them on a direct message in Instagram or Facebook and answer a few questions, but it does eliminate the need for sales calls. So for me, I was able to, to, to grow this business on working very,

very few hours a week. So I’m going to go into that on a separate episode, but I just wanted to give you an overview of what program ships are in the power. What they can do for your business was working such a small amount of time. So 20 hours or less a week in order to add an extra six figures to your coaching businesses,

it’s a big, big deal. So today I just really want you to have a marinade on that. That’s like marinading is absolutely one of my business processes that we’re building to my work. So whenever I’ve got a new idea or there’s something that I want to develop, I marinade on it. So I don’t leap straight into it. I marinade on it for a while.

So I’ll think about it. Wasn’t going out for a walk or I’ll think about it whilst I’m cooking dinner. I might have a little think about it before I’m falling asleep. I’m kind of envisioning and emotionally using what I want to happen in the future and how I’m going to get there. So that is what I’d like to put to you today is have a think about this.

What would a program share a premium program share, look like in your coaching business? How are you getting your money at the moment? Is it all from one-to-one work or is it maybe from piecemeal, smaller, lower price coaching kind of courses and that kind of thing, or memberships really have a think about the power of what a program ship could do for your business and what,

what it could work. It could look like for you in your business, if you were working much fewer hours and getting a really, really big impact, like a six figure income coming into your business. This is big stuff, big sparkly, GC stuff. So I’ve got two things to share with you. Now, firstly is if you’d like to find out a little bit more about this,

I created a program share power playbook for you. It’s really, really cool. It’s like a really nice summary of what program ships are. If you head over to recurring revenue, rox.co.uk, you’ll be able to download that there, just check it out. You’ll, you’ll see it kind of all over the place where I’ve kind of talked about downloading that.

So you can just download that there. The second thing that you might want to dive straight into is working with me on a one-to-one basis to get your program share up and running. So I have an offer called the, the program ship method intensive, which is where we worked together intensely one-on-one for a month to get your program ship created and ready to sell,

to take you towards six figures. So if that’s something that you’re interested in, again, just head across to recurring revenue, rocks.co.uk, and click on the program, ship method intensive, and you’ll be able to find out there what you need to do to be able to apply. So I hope you’ve enjoyed that introduction to Programships and I’ll be back next week for a brand new episode of the recurring revenue rocks show.