Hi! I’m Laura and i’m here to help You blow up your membership growth…

What can I say? I LOVE making money online, and have been making passive income from Online Services, Programs and Memberships since 2012 – woohooo! In that time, I have sold over 3000 of my own online products and services – and it’s fair to say, it’s been the ride of a lifetime!

I know that the route to having a successful Membership, where you can get a big surge of Members signing up any time you choose is the holy grail of making a living online. And that’s why I have created my services to help you do just that.

In order to have a successful Membership, you need to have a set up that works for you as a Business Owner – a Membership that makes you happy and motivated to sell places.

So that’s what we do. Establish a Membership that you would marry if you could, you love it so much 😍

I know what it’s like to create something that feels just plain wrong. Back when I started my first Membership, I made all the mistakes in the book – and ended up with a Membership that was draining and made me unhappy. Fast-forward a few years and now I have a Membership that is a JOY to sell places into and to run, and that brings me in a 6-figure income stream each year.

It’s now my pleasure to help other Membership Founders to start selling in a FUN way that brings the BIG results in.

You ready? It’s time to blow up YOUR Membership success! 

Laura x

Laura Jeffery, Founder at Recurring Revenue Rocks®


how i can help you blow up your membership success

recurring revenue rocks programs

Are you ready to put your foot on the gas and actually reach the Membership Success Goals you’ve been dreaming of? Let me help you create an Online Membership that fills your heart with glee and your diary choc full of ideal Clients – not to mention Recurring Revenue that will make your bank account look oh so buoyant! 

Membership in a Month

This brilliant step by step bootcamp style self study program was MADE for you, if you’re just getting started and want someone (me!) to guide you through what you need to do, and in which order, to get your Membership created and launched in the space of one month! 

Magnetize Your Membership

Magnetize Your Membership is my fully supported 12 month group coaching program. Get daily support and feedback in our private, clients only community, plus two group coaching calls each month to help you create a Membership that is robust, commercial and in line with your lifestyle and income goals!

Curriculum delivered over first 4 weeks in the program and then 11 further months of support as you implement and refine your Membership offer.


Membership Maverick

So you’ve already created and launched your Membership… You’ve got your founding Members in and now things feel like they’re not moving as quickly as you want – and you want (and are SO ready!) for BIG things.

In Membership Maverick, I take you under my wing for a three month thrill ride! We’re going to delve deep into your Membership – and make it the most delicious part of your Business, where you can get BIG influxes of Members joining whenever you choose.


Looking for information on Human Design? Would you love to dive into the world of Oracle Card Readings and self improvement? Check out Laura’s other site here: https://humandesignoracle.com/