I really feel that right now, I have got to a point in my business – and in my life – where it’s not just alllll about the money. Yes, I want money to pay for the things. And yes, I also want to have LOADS of time to enjoy the things! Can you relate to this?!
In todays episode I go into the details of exactly how I made $100k last year whilst only working 20 hours (or less) each week.
And that’s with ZERO sales calls and ZERO permanent team members. Noice.
Excited to share this with you, and here’s to your 6-figure business run on 20 hour work weeks (or less!) too!
Click on the YouTube link above to watch this Episode, or on the Podcast link below if you’d prefer to listen. You can scroll down if you’d like to read the transcript 🙂
Laura x
Hi, welcome along to a brand new episode of the recurring revenue rocks show. I’m your host, Laura Jeffrey. It’s awesome to have you here today. So in todays episode, I want to have a chat about how you can add a six-figure income stream to your coaching business on 20 hours of work a week or less in total. So I’m talking about program,
ship creation, delivery to your clients and promotion as well, all in the space of 20 hours a week or less. So for my journey last year, I spent a full year developing this program, ship model, implementing it in my own business. See what works in what didn’t work. I spent thousands of pounds testing on how to get people into my live event.
It was really, really exciting year in terms of kind of progress, but also in terms of kind of analysis and seeing what worked and what didn’t work. And throughout the course of that year of creating this new model in my business, the program ship model, I kept a really detailed kind of tally and log of what worked and what didn’t work, how much time I spent doing things,
which of my promotion sold better than others, how I was delivering to my clients inside the program ship, as well as their progress through the program shape. So for this episode, I really want to have a chat about how I managed to do all of that one 20 hours of work a week or less. So to start off the year back in 2021,
I was actually working yeah, around about 20 hours a week, but it was spread throughout the week. Monday to Friday, I even did a little bit of weekends. Sometimes it was never more than 20 hours a week. It was often a lot less than that. I also kept a tally of how much time I was actually delivering out the content to my,
to my clients inside the program ship. And that worked out on average around about three hours a week. So I just wanted to kind of share with you how that splits down, because it sounds like amazing doesn’t it being able to deliver a whole program ship to, so I had around about a hundred people last year, so I don’t put me as clients and to be able to work with that number of clients without one-to-one calls,
without discovery calls, like I made all of those sales with absolutely zero, zero sales calls. And that to me is a dream come true because I don’t like sales calls. So for me to be able to just sell, doing the promotional work that I was doing using attraction marketing, which is so much fun and so much easier than getting on the phone loads of times,
it just meant that my working week was condensed passively. So by the end of 2021, I had actually reached my target of working four days a week and take him the majority of Fridays off. So they’re always going to be some days where you work more hours, some days you work less hours, if you’re in a promo period, you’re going to work more hours.
You just are. But then the week after you might take the week off. So what we’re looking at here is, you know, it depends on what kind of person you are as well. Because for me, I really like routine. I’m a typical Virgo. I love kind of like the routine of saying to myself, I’m going to work Monday to Thursday after I’ve done my client call in the program ship on a Thursday afternoon,
that’s it I’m done Friday. It’s like, woo is my free time. Yeah, I can do whatever I want, which is great. It’s really motivating to me during the week, knowing that if I get my work done Fridays off, it’s my play day, right? It’s a really, really nice feeling. So just to dig in a little deeper on how this actually worked out,
there’s 20 hours a week, that I was kind of managing to do all this on. So I want to be very clear and upfront about the fact that when you are first building out your program share, that is where a lot of the hours are going to go into actually is actually developing a quality ethical program ship, which you can deliver out, which will actually get results for people.
So you want to be getting people in who are really good fit for your program ship, which again helps with making it a premium offering because you are kind of pulling in your target a lot tighter. So something that I realized very quickly, very early on is that if you cast your net too broad, you’re going to get some people in who aren’t necessarily a great fit.
So I think kind of getting quite kind of specific quite early on in terms of who you’re the best fit to work with. That’s a really good idea. So say for me now, I’m very upfront about the fact that I work best with people who’ve been in business for a little while. You know what you’re doing? You’ve already got clients coming in.
You’ve got testimonials. You love what you do. You guys are the ones who I work best with. There are other people who are at the very start of their business, who you, you don’t know what your niche is. You don’t know, you know what you’re doing. Yeah. You haven’t got any testimonials. You haven’t really got any kind of a one-to-one experience to build on you guys are best off kind of going to someone like Rebecca Tracy at on kg business,
like figure out what your niche is, figure out what your, what your, what you’re best at yet that get that worked on first, get your clients onto your belts, start making some money. And then if you want to kind of create a program ship in your business, that’s really going to be a really good time for you to do that.
So for me, like managing to do all of this on 20 hours or less a week, a lot of it in that first year is going to be about developing and, you know, creating the content for filming it, getting it kind of set up in a, in a, in a portal so that your clients in the program ship can access it.
Doing that legwork is really, really important, cause it just means that in the future years or even the future months, cause you can get this done and probably quite quickly in the first few, even month or so of running your program ship. But you do need to do that legwork of kind of setting up the program ship. So with program ships,
what I recommend is that you do whatever you can do in an automated way, set up in a portal for your clients in the program, ship to access and go through at their own time. But then you are there for them on a day-to-day basis, in a private community where you can support your clients as they go through their transformation, they, you have got their back.
You want them to feel like, you know, they’ve invested in a premium offer from you and you want them to feel totally looked after and supported as they go through that transformation. Right? So with my program ship, the way I have run it and the way that I recommend the, you guys want it to is that you set it up in a way that,
you know, you are popping into that group, say Monday to Friday to answer people’s queries. So for me, with a roundabout, a hundred people, I think, I think it was, yeah, it was, it was around about a hundred people in the, in the program ship at any one point last year. What I found was that if I was popping in,
on a consistent basis, so say Monday to Friday or Monday to Thursday, like you’ve got to make it clear to your clients what you’re, what you’re going to do. So they, they can respect your boundaries, which I’ll talk about more in another episode, if they get used to that fact that you’re going to be in there consistently regularly, that they’re always going to get their questions answered within 24 hours,
Monday to Friday, for example, that you don’t go into the group on the weekends because that is your time. And again, if you’re going on holiday, as long as you let people know in advance, what they can expect from you, this is the most important thing. But on a regular week to week basis, you’re in that group Monday to Friday answering people’s questions.
So they get an answer within 24 hours or so it means that they can carry on making progress. They feel supported. They’re going to feel happier within the program. They’re more likely to complete the program. So for me, one of the stats that I was really proud of in my first year of running my program share is that 59%. So considering that the industry average for program completion for online course completion is around about 5%.
So like that that’s not cool. That’s not good. So for me, I realized like I did my kind of analysis on my figures, how to look at how my students were kind of, my clients were moving through the program ship. I found that on average 59% of my clients were completing the entire curriculum within three months of joining. Like that is epic.
That’s so sort of like, I, I want to build on that. I want it to get even better. But in first year of running my program ship compared to an industry average of about 5%, which is just, it’s not ethical, that doesn’t feel good to me to be selling to people. If they’re only going to be getting like a 5% completion rate on the curriculum compared to 59% within three months of joining,
that is really, really cool. And that’s what I love about this program. Ship’s model so much is that you’re really supporting people and you’re there for them. You know, Monday to Friday, you’re helping them get over their hurdles. You’re helping them to progress on their transformation journey instead of getting held up and giving up. And because they’re investing more because it is a premium offering,
a program should be priced at least $1,000 and upwards my own program. Shit. Now the program ship method intensive is 5,000 pounds. So for ’em because they’re investing a higher amount there, they are going to be more invested. They’re going to be like rocking up. They want to get their problem solved. Right? So 59% completion rate within three months of joining,
that was a really, really cool statistic to find out about, but I was looking up every day. So this was a part of my routine that I would pop into that group. And what I found was over the course of a year, because I kept a track of this, I would spend an average of half an hour a day, say Monday for four days of the week.
And then on one day of the week, I think it’s usually a Thursday. That’s what I was doing last year. And this year in my own program, ships is the on one day of the week, you would run a live stream Q and a call into the group. So this would be where people can rock up, come along and listen to you in like doing a Facebook live,
for example, and just answering questions. I really love doing those. And I do it as a behind the scenes as well in my program shifts. So I talk to people about what I’m trying, what’s new, what I’m experimenting with. And it’s just like a really fun session. And then every other week I would do a live group coaching call on zoom.
So we can actually see each other’s faces and talk to each other. And I can coach people through their problems and their challenges in real time and get them making progress. So what I found was that this averaged out around about half an hour or less a day answering people’s questions inside the Facebook group. And this isn’t like a quick one sentence answer. This is like proper thought-out answers,
which I probably give people a proper full end to end explanation of what they needed to do to move forward with that program. It depends obviously what kind of niche you’re in, what kind of people you’ve got a new group, but for me across that kind of cross section of clients that I got inside my program ship last year around about a hundred clients,
it worked out for me around about half an hour, work a day for four days of the week. And then on one day, a week, I’d spend an hour on average across the group coaching calls and the Q and a calls. So the Q and a call, my only last half an hour, the coaching call on zoom might last an hour and a half,
but it averaged out around about an hour on the live stream time or the group coaching time and half an hour a day on going back to people with their questions, works out at an average of a roundabout three hours a week, which was just incredible. And when you compare that to kind of the amount of time that you spend looking after people on one-to-one calls and doing discovery calls,
like being able to deliver your whole curriculum on around about three hours a week on your whole score and group coaching for all these people, it was really a wonderful thing to experience. So I’d really love for you to have a think about what that’s going to look like in your business. If you decide to scale in this way and how you can make that work.
So as well as actually delivering your content to your clients inside your program ship, obviously you’ve got to the creation to do, and that is going to be front heavy in your program ships for the first month or few months or whatever of your program ship. You’re all going to be creating that content and each year or less time or more time, depending on what niche you’re in and how,
how much you want to update things. You are going to want to update those videos from time to time to keep them updated and fresh based on what your knowledge is and what you’re learning. But you know that that’s, you know, an as and when thing, but so you’ve got that development time. And then also you’ve got promotion time. So for me,
I found that, you know, working in live live, selling situations work really, really well for me. So I actually spent, I’m not going to say I wasted a lot of time, but I did spend a lot of time setting up funnels, which just didn’t convert the same as selling life. So for this year, I’m putting a lot more effort in selling life.
Absolutely having an evergreen funnel for bringing in leads all year round hell yes, but live selling is where it’s at. For me, that’s what I teach my clients on. It is live selling attraction marketing. That is where it’s at because you get so much more bang for your buck. You get so much more conversion, like higher conversion rates. People stay for longer during your life selling events,
whatever it is you’re doing. So that’s what I teach my clients because that’s what I’ve had the most success with. And that’s what I feel really happy teaching. So you’ve got to think of those three things going on. So you’ve got the development of your actual program ship, creating the content for it, delivery time when you’re actually answering Q and A’s and you’re giving group coaching calls and then thirdly,
promotion time. So for me last year that worked out around about 20 hours a week. This year, I’m thinking it’s going to be a lot less actually, because I’m a lot more streamlined lap. Now I’ve learned my lessons from the first year. I’ve created the, the bulk of my own program ships, which are running. It’s only a case of tweaking and updating the old videos here and there.
And I know that I’m not going to spend loads of time creating evergreen funnels and expecting really high levels of sales from them. When I know that in fact, I just need an evergreen funnel running, which brings in leads all year round, which is already up and running and done. And then I spend my time doing the live event selling, which means that I can condense down my working week even more.
So I’ll be really excited to share with you at the end of this year, at the end of 2022, what kind of hours or working week I’m spending now that I’ve got that stuff, all kind of like running like a finely oiled machine. So can’t wait to share more on that with you at the end of this year, but I really hope that’s given you some food for thought around your program ship and how you’d be able to scale your coaching business and add an extra six figures in a year,
working 20 hours a week or less. It’s really exciting stuff. So I will see you back in here next week for a brand new episode of the recurring revenue, the rock show. I can’t wait to see you next week!