In this episode of the Recurring Revenue Rocks Show, I share 5 of my favourite lessons that I learned whilst taking my Business on a leap to 6 figures in the space of 12 months. I know that some of these lessons are going to be super relevant to you right now with where you’re at with your Business and your Recurring Revenue Streams, so I’m super excited to share these with you!
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Hi, welcome along to a brand new episode of the recurring revenue rocks show. It’s great to have you here today and for today’s episode, we’re going to be focusing on my lessons that I learned from trebling my business in one year, how I went from 36K in year one of my business across to over 100 K in my business on year two.
So I learned some really, really invaluable lessons going through that process. It was definitely a learning curve for me that year. And I wanted share five of my learnings with you on this episodes day so that you can benefit from it too. So the first most important lesson that I probably learned is that you have got to be in love with the offer that you are putting out there.
You have got to believe in it 100%. You’ve got to be completely behind it energetically, and you’ve got to be so excited about selling it. I think that was the first big lesson that I learned because the year prior, when I don’t the 36 K and it was a brand new business, I was really happy to evoke the six K. So that,
that was a really great first year for me in a brand new business. But in that year, I had put out several different offers, which I weren’t, which I was not in love with. I was putting them out there because I thought they might work. I was putting them out there because I thought I should put them out there with some of those offers.
I wasn’t 100% behind them. So when I made that big change and really kind of went all in on promoting a, an offer, which I was thoroughly in love with, which I knew I had an area of expertise in which I had a huge passion about teaching, which I just really enjoyed putting out there and really enjoyed coming up with marketing material for it and all that kind of thing.
Things fell into place a lot more easily, and it felt like a lot less for slog than it did the year before. So I think that had a huge impact on tripling. The business was that I was really energetically behind the thing that I was promoting. So that, that was my first lesson. And for you guys, I really want you to do a check-in with yourselves.
Actually, if you are finding yourself kind of like wondering why things aren’t moving more quickly, why you’re not earning more money from the offers that you’re putting out there, why you’re not selling more places in your membership. I really want you to check in on the spark that you have for that particular offer for that particular membership, whatever it is that you’re putting out there.
Do you, would you take it yourself if you saw it advertised by someone else in exactly the way you’re marketing it, would you take it, would you be excited to be a member of that membership or a client on that program ship? Would you be excited to get involved with it? Would you think that it was good value for money and that it was a steal,
you know, but it would help you solve your problem because if it’s not and you kind of, you you’d be slightly ashamed of it or, you know, wanting to click away from it, or, you know, if you don’t feel good about that, offer something needs to change because you’re not in alignment with who the best you is and what you should be doing in the world.
So really have a check-in on what you’re selling and how you feel about it. If you’re not in love with it, change it up so that you do fall in love with it, start offering something which you truly, truly, absolutely love. And that you could talk about all day and all night, like my signature program, Michael, inside your membership pro I absolutely love it.
I’ll talk about it to anyone who listened because I love it. And I know the results it gets for people, and I’m really excited about it. So that comes across, right. People pick up on that stuff. So that is the first big lesson that I learned from trebling web business. The second big lesson that I really, really learned and learnt in a really big way was that you need to be able to know with certainty what way you sell best.
So I’m not going to say that I know which way is going to sell best for you. For me personally, I use a mixture of three different selling styles that I know works for me. When people come to work with me, I will never say, you must use this one specific style. I will teach them all three styles. And then people tend to gravitate naturally towards the style that suits them best.
So for me, I’ve had huge success. I’ve had massive multi five figure launches when I’ve done live event launching. So I call them event launches because I I’m an ex event manager. And there’s nothing more that I love than kind of running an event online that gets people really excited. It’s got really high value. You’re wanting something for free and people come along and then you offer something on the ends of it.
That works really, really well for me. And that’s why I enjoy running launches. And I know that I make a lot of sales with them, but I also know that I make a lot of sales when I run workshops. So different types of people attend workshops than attend launches, and I can sell very well and very confidently on launch on workshops,
on live workshops equally. I know that I can also sell well on evergreen funnels. So for me, I know that a combination of those three tend to work. It tends to work really well for me. So last year when I tripled my business, I went big on launches. I think I launched like five times last year, and I knew that I would get good results from it because that’s what happens when I launched.
I do well. When I launch, I’ve got clients who are just like, no, no, no, I don’t want to do launching. I don’t want to do a big event launch. It’s like, that’s cool. Then let’s focus in on a workshop on a live workshop and see what kind of conversion rate you get with that. And don’t get me wrong with any of these selling styles.
There’s a lot of trial and error that goes on. You might do a launch that totally flops. You might do one that does really, really well. And that’s absolutely fine. You just, you need to really know you and you need to find out, you need to put yourself out there and actually try these different things to find out which one you’re good at,
because you might have a feeling that you know, doing a live event, which might be absolutely terrifying. And you’d be no good at it, but actually in real life, if you did one, you might find that the results that you get from it are so good. And you actually enjoy it so much. You want to do another one and then another one.
And then another one is like, for me, I’d have never known that I could reach a 23,500 pound launch. If I hadn’t put myself out there and tried it. But equally, I didn’t know that I could hit like 10 K a month just from doing workshops. So you’ve got to try these things. You’ve got to figure out where your talents lie.
And then you’ve got to really capitalize on those talents. You’ve got to get yourself out there and you’ve got to sell regularly. So I did find last year that when I wasn’t selling, when I wasn’t focusing in on something and getting people’s attention focused in on something, I didn’t really make many sales. And that’s the truth of the matter. I always say that it’s like people will tend to look at the offer that you’re asking them to look at is like,
I might have various stuff on my website, but unless I’m saying to people, Hey guys, there’s this thing here for you. You need to check it out. It’s really cool. People don’t tend to, yes, you get people finding stuff on Google, but on the whole, when you’re talking about something, it’s that whole thing, isn’t it where attention goes energy flows or whatever the saying is.
And it’s so true, unless I’m saying guys, look at this thing. This is amazing. People won’t look at it. So find out what way you sell best. Those are the three ways that I teach live event, launching live workshops or automated workshop funnels. Those three work really, really well. You might have your own way. Maybe you go into people’s DMS.
Maybe you sell organically on your personal profile. Maybe you’re an Instagram king or queen, whatever it is that you’re good at, do more of it and then start measuring it. So say for me, I’ve got to a point in my business now where I know give or take roughly what kind of results I’ll get from each type of selling activity that I do.
I know what I enjoy the most. And then I try and kind of plan my year, roughly out around those kinds of selling talents that I have. So I can make income in my business because the problem is when you don’t have a selling plan in place, it’s just kind of like, where’s your next member going to come from? Where’s your next client going to come from?
You don’t really know da, so you need to get into a pattern with that. And I’m going to talk about more, more about that in 0.5, actually. So the third thing that I learned from last year, and this was a really big one for me is that people don’t have to know you for ages before they’ll buy from you. I think there’s this really big,
kind of like urban myth online that you’ve got to get people into your world and you’ve got to nurture them forever. And you got to give them a freebie and then a low price thing, and then a slightly higher price thing before they’ll finally invest with you. I must say for me personally, I have found that to be not true. And I have found that if people need something and you show yourself to be the expert in that thing,
to help them solve their problem. And you show that you are knowledgeable about what you do. And again, this goes back to my second point about knowing how you sell best. You need to focus in on the area that you’re best at, and you need to showcase that to people it’s like, say for me, I know what I’m talking about because I’ve been doing this for years and years and years,
I’ve been working for myself since 2012. Before that I was an event manager for the whole of my twenties. I worked in three different memberships or these throughout my twenties in the event departments. I know what I’m talking about. I’ve been doing this for so long myself, and I’ve got a six figure business, myself doing this work. So I know what I’m talking about.
And when I share like, or I’m sharing with you guys, now, you guys know what I’m talking about. Cause I’m talking about it quite freely and openly, whatever it is that you do, you need to be able to articulate the problem that you solve. And then you need to give people like a container where they can come and work with you to get that result.
So the problem is with a lot of social media that I see online, a lot of content, like I follow some amazing people online, but I’ve got no idea what they actually do. It’s just like, they just share nice content and as well, great. You know, thank you for that really motivational piece of content, but I don’t know how to work with them or what they even do.
Really. It’s just like, they’re just nice motivational people don’t fall into that trap of like thinking that you’re some celebrity is like, you’re a business, you know? And it’s like, if you owned a cake, a Cakery, a bakery that made cakes in town, you’d let people know how to buy the cake, right? You wouldn’t just constantly do behind the scenes of you decorating cakes and you eating cakes and you haven’t cake parties.
You’d be like, guys, if you want to buy a cake, this is the offer that I’ve gone for you at the moment, this week, we’re selling great big chocolate cakes. And if you order one online, you can get 15% off this week, tell people really in a matter of fact, way how they can work with you because otherwise what’s the point.
Are we just doing this for vanity metrics? Like we’ve got thousands of followers online, but it’s like, how much money are you making your business? Right. So for me, I realized that I could take people on a journey over the space of say two weeks. For example, when I run one of my launches from them, never having known me before,
not even known who I am through to paying me over a thousand pounds to work with me in my program, why RA’s launching at the time, because I’d shown them that I knew my stuff. I’d shown them, that I had a methodology to take them on, to solve their problem. And I told them how they could work with me, like the cake bakery.
I didn’t just show them how I decorated cakes and, you know, invite them along to a cake eating party. I said, guys, this is how you decorate cakes. And then like, this is just an analogy. I have no idea how to decorate cakes, by the way, I then showed them how they could buy the cake at the end,
right. Because I’m a business. So that was a really big lesson that I learned was that it’s BS. You do not need to nurture people for months and years before they’ll buy from you. People will buy from you quick enough. If they know if they believe that you know what you’re talking about. And if you offer them a way to work with you,
that makes sense and is doable for them. That’s, that’s all there is to it. So that, that was a really big learning for me last year. And I think when I realized that it made me want sell a lot more, like in 0.2, that I shared with you about regular selling. I realized that once I was confident about putting my offers out there and assertively saying,
this is the knowledge I have guys, this is my history. This is why I talk about what I talk about. And here is how you work with me. Here’s how much it costs here. My house, here’s how to apply for that. People will buy it because you are helping them solve their problem. So the fourth thing that I learned last year was the systemizing.
My business was a really, really good idea. So what I found was that over the years, since I’d been working for myself back in 2012, I think I had accumulated a lot of Gobbins in my business in terms of stuff that was not streamlined stuff that felt a bit chaotic, perhaps like things being kind of done on the hoof and me being quite last minute with stuff,
you know, like doing my tax return the day, it was the day before it was due in creating content on the hoof, very sporadically, you know, deciding to launch the week before. And it kind of adds a chaotic air that you don’t really need in your business. So I kind of took a decision towards the end of last year. Actually it did take me about 10 months or 11 months to learn this lesson,
but I realized that I didn’t want to be operating in a chaotic space anymore. I knew my business was growing. I knew I was going to hit six figures that year. And I realized that I didn’t want to kind of operate in that chaotic space anymore. So I took a decision to start streamlining my business and this isn’t something that happens overnight. It’s a process I’m still going through now,
but I started systemizing and streamlining my business. So I started taking out the things which were not minimalistic to my business. Like I’ve got this big thing. Like I want to get a lot more minimalist in my life. I want to get rid of a lot of my belongings. I want to feel a lot more free and a lot more light in the stuff that I am have,
but that’s a whole nother topic for a whole nother podcast, I think. But basically because I, I had this realization that I had so many things lying around like unused domain names that I’d registered and apps that I’d paid for, that I wasn’t using and memberships that I wasn’t actually utilizing and, you know, stuff that I’d paid for to learn from coaches,
which I hadn’t actually absorbed and learned and kind of taken action on. So I think with the streamlining and systemizing, this is a really big thing. So say for me, I’m not particularly interested in hiring a team. That’s not part of my overall goals and plans, but you know, at some point this year I will probably hire a VA to help me with some social media stuff.
So I know that if I set up a system in place now, which will mean that I can easily hand over to that VA and say, you know, this is what you need to do here. Here’s the, here’s the system that I need you to follow. I need you to do the, the, the, the, the, the,
the, the dah to get the job done. And that is systemized and streamlined and in a document ready for me to hand to that person, how much more calm is my life going to be instead of me going, oh my gosh, I’ve got a new VA story. And I don’t really know how to tell them what I need to do. And this is going to be stressful.
Instead of that, it’s like, write his document. It’s all systemized and streamlined because this is what you do, because I’ve recognized what the system is in my business. I’ve written that all down in a ready to follow format. Here you go. Let me know what questions you’ve got, how much more calm and simple and easy as that. So this goes across all things in memberships though.
So you’re onboarding and offboarding. What system have you got in place for that taking payments, you know, selling what’s your selling system, what’s your content creation system, systemizing your business is a really good idea. And that’s one of the reasons why I’ve set up the recurring revenue rock show is because it’s allowed me to create like a content framework for my year,
because otherwise I’m just an, a nightmare. I’ll just not do it or not do any social media. Like last year I had big gaps in my social media, cause I was like, man, I’ve launched. Now I’m going to take a break. But the problem is online. That means that the other people who’ve got in touch with you and suddenly,
you know, that they’re not being looked after by you. So for me, I’ve created that system, which means that every Monday I’m creating a new episode of the recurring revenue rock show. And that means that I’ve got to, you know, I can talk about it, right? So that means I’ve got a system in place. So really have a think about that for yourself.
So if you haven’t got the system in place yet, think about what systems you can put in place for your membership, for your business overall, for your life. It just helps. Right? And the final lesson, which I want to share with you is about kind of being inventive and coming up with new ideas and being prepared through the energy and time and effort at those ideas to get stuff to work.
So even though this is going to kind of slightly contradict what I said earlier, but even though yes, I think it’s a really good idea. It’s kind of roughly have your plan in place for what you want to be doing in the air, because that means low stress, right. You know, what’s coming, you know, what’s going to happen when sometimes business is going to throw us a curve ball.
And in fact, in business, we get curve balls quite often. Right? So for example, in December last year, I had decided that I wanted to hit a 10 K months so that I could hit my six figures for the year. I could be like, yes, I’ve done six figures in my second year in business. Yes. But that was a really big goal for me.
But at the end of November, I knew that I had to get in at least another 10 K in order for that to happen. So I was like, right. Do you know what I’m going to do a launch, I’m going to do a launch. I’m going to get that 10:00 PM. So I set up a launch, but I tried it on a slightly different format than I had previously.
I tried to market a slightly different offer than I had previously. And the launch was okay. It made money, but it was nowhere near the 10 K that I was after. I think I made three K, but I’d spent something like a grant and a half on ads. So it’s simply, it was nowhere near the 10 K that I needed in order to reach my six-figure year.
So I went back to the drawing board. I was like, right, what, what can I do? You know, I’ve got all these people that have signed up for this launch. I’ve gone through the launch and it just, hasn’t made very much money at all. And it’s not going to get me to my goal for the end of the year.
So I was like, do you know what? I’m just going to try a three, a three day three workshop series, and I’m going to do my offer again at the end of that, I’m just going to go for it. I’m going to throw my energy. I say, I’m going to throw my time at tear. And you know what?
I was actually beginning to come down with a bit of a cold. So I was losing my voice, but I was so determined to reach that goal. By the end of the hours, I am not going to have no, I’m not going to settle for anything less than a six figure year. This year, I’m going to go for it. So I did go for it.
And I got in the 10 K that I was after, which meant that I went just over six figures for the year. And that’s because I was prepared to throw my time and energy and belief at it because I was like, no, I can do this. And I’ve got, I’ve got another two or three weeks after the year. I know it’s December.
I don’t care. I’m going to do it. Anyway. I had that belief in myself and I put in the effort. So something that I’ve seen sadly on more than a few occasions is when people run a promotion. So they run a workshop or they run a funnel or they run a launch and it doesn’t go according to plan. And that happens to everyone by the way,
don’t ever believe that that doesn’t happen. Seven figure and eight figure entrepreneurs as well, because it does, it does happen to them too. It happens to all of us because that’s part of business is just the way it is. But the thing is, it’s how you deal with it, what you do after. So say for me, I could have been like,
after that launch, I could have been like, oh, I’m not going to reach my six figures. This is so rubbish. You know, why didn’t it work? Why me? But instead I literally gave myself a couple of days of breathing and I was like, right, let’s go again. And I swear to goodness, that is the thing that makes the difference between a six-figure business.
And one that just doesn’t get that far is because people will fold too quick and it’s not, don’t make it about you. Don’t make it a vanity thing. Don’t, don’t, don’t allow yourself to wallow a little bit, but don’t wallow for longer than a couple of days. I get up, move on again, you’re a business owner. It’s like,
come on. You know, like with certain things, you shouldn’t frog a dead horse. Like people do vote with their feet. With the offer that I put out at the end of last year, at the first Lord, it didn’t work people. It wasn’t right. It wasn’t resonating with people in the way I thought it would. And you know,
I could be really vain about that. And I could be like, oh, what is that? Not me. But it’s like, well, actually it’s the offer. There’s something wrong with it that people vote with their feet. If 180 people have come on this launch and only two or three a board that’s not great. There’s something wrong with it.
There’s something wrong here. So you get back to the drawing board, you figure out a different way, a different route and you get back on your horse and you go again. And I think that’s my thing. It’s like, go again, go again, go again, go again. Don’t, don’t get so easily knocked by the first time that people are like,
no, it’s like, okay, well, I’m going to find a way to get a yes. You know? So that was a really, really big thing. For me. It’s like be prepared to throw your energy and passion and effort at your marketing efforts because it will pay you back, but you’ve got to listen, right? People vote with their feet.
People will tell you by their lack of action in buying, if something’s not floating their boat. So go back to the drawing board, figure out a way and go again. So that was like my fifth big lesson that I want to share with you from 2021 and how I troubled my business in the space of a year. So I’m really, really happy to share that with you.
And if you’re at the stage now, if you are a membership owner who is at that point where you’re like, you’re itching, start getting consistent money coming into your, into your business from your membership and you are ready to systemize things and streamline things, and step up as a leader. Then I would love to invite you to apply for a place in my magnetizing,
your membership pro course, we worked together for six months to really Uplevel you to that place of leader where you’re really stepping up and your, you know, seeing that difference instead of getting kind of like five or 10 members and you’re going like that big leap. So you’re getting 40 or 50 members in at a time. So you can really start racking things up and start really heading towards those 5k months and beyond.
So that’s what we want to get you to in magnetize, your membership pro. So if you had to recurring revenue,, have a look along the top. You can see in the, in the menu, there is the, the little section which says magnetize, your membership pro just click on there. You can have a read through about what the program entails,
how it runs across the six months. And you’ve also got a link there where you can come across and apply for a place in the program as well. So I hope you’ve enjoyed that episode day. I can’t wait to see you in here next Monday. For another episode of the recurring revenue Rocks Show.