In this episode, I chat with the lovely Jo Naughton about all things Mindset and soul felt alignment in our Businesses – it’s a goody and such a juicy episode!
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Hi, welcome along to a brand new episode of the recurring revenue rock show. I’m Laura Jeffrey. Great to have you here today. And I am so excited to welcome along Joe Naughton to the show today, we’re going to be having a chat about her area of specialism, which is mind, body and soul alignment. Joe has been working in kind of like mindset specialism fields for the past three years as a coach.
And it’s just fascinating. I’ve always been fascinated listening to Joe’s point of views on the world business, how to do things in an aligned way. So, Joe, it is absolutely lovely to have you here today. How are you doing It is lovely to be here, you know, you and I, you know, we’re always good at jumping straight into these interesting conversations,
right? So I’m, I kinda know that whatever direction we ended up going in, it’s going to be, it’s going to be brilliant. Exactly. And that’s what I love too. It’s like, I think what I’ve always really admired about your work is you’re very true to following what feels good to you, you know, as well as like you’re obviously a,
you’ve got a, an academic background haven’t you? Because you were, you were working your way up in the, in the education field. You’re a deputy head teacher a really young age, I think. So it’s kind of like you bring that side of like the education and that structure to what you do now, but you’ve also got, what I really love about your work is that you’ve got your own views on things and you’re very like the way I perceive your work is that you’re very open to receiving guidance from your highest self in terms of how you deliver your workout.
Or do you want to tell us a little bit more about that, Right? That, that is what I love so much actually about what I, what I do is that it is coming from it’s coming from kind of a really broader perspective. I I’ve always been someone who’s been very open to kind of anything and everything, very open to other people’s beliefs,
opinions that are very different to mine, as well as those that are the same. And I kind of like the idea that we can, we can bring kind of everything together in a way that serves us. That’s what alignment is all about. It’s about being able to, to, to notice what serves us, what feels good and also noticing within that what doesn’t serve us and what doesn’t necessarily feel good,
what feels misaligned, but not seeing that as a bad thing, seeing that actually all as a gift and getting curious around it, because that gives us some kind of place to learn. Right? And so the fact that I was coming initially from an education background as a teacher, then as consultant in education, then coaching and mentoring teachers within schools all around the UK and coming from that,
from that, I suppose more of like a kind of scientific space of how, of how the mind works and, you know, and all of that sort of stuff. And then, and then kind of led into training and things like neuro-linguistic programming and cognitive behavioral therapy. And so that I really did understand from, from kind of a mixture of neuroscience and also then a more what’s the term,
a more kind of like open view of, of also mind, which is technically kind of within the same thing that different to specifically the brain and how the brain works and what interestingly ended up has ended up happening as I’ve then been leaning more into this over the last few years, is that what initially started from a place of mind then actually led me into connecting to something higher and deeper place where I’d now refer to as soul,
my soul self, my highest self. Some other people might refer to it just as their intuition or their, their guts, you know, something, just this inner wisdom, this inner knowing inside myself that I really connected to. And what was interesting there is that as then, from the mind perspective, and then kind of connecting to this soul perspective,
what also then happened is I, I recognized myself connecting more to my body and yes, my physical body in terms of like, I was just getting called to kind of like, you know, cause a guidance to move my body more and do more with my body, but also recognizing the power that my body has in terms of that’s the place that is storing all of,
you know, it’s, it’s where kind of the nervous system is responding and reacting to things that are happening. It’s where all the, the feeling kind of vibrations and sensations are taking place. It’s where that real kind of grounded energy can come. And it also aware when we can live almost often a bit too much in our minds, as we all tend to do it at different points.
I know I certainly did. We almost, we almost stopped paying attention to the signs in our bodies that actually show us whether we’re in alignment or what or not, you know, whether we feel good or not. And so that’s where the kind of whole mind body and soul thing really comes from is, is, is realigning all of those parts of ourselves and not simply relying on one so that we can kind of live this beautiful human experience whilst also recognizing that we are not simply this human physical experience that actually there is kind of,
there is a higher, true, a deeper wiser, whatever you want to refer to it as part of ourselves that is always there reminding us, reminding us that everything’s okay. Which is sometimes just the thing we want to hear most right. Everything’s kind of, Yeah. And I think this is so important because the people who listened to the recurring revenue Brock show,
we’ve got kind of business owners who are coaches or specialists in that field. And I think this is something that it’s so refreshing for me to hear your point of view on this, because I think for a long time, depending on who you follow online, we’ve been given this kind of rhetoric of kind of very kind of like you must be everywhere all the time.
All people need to see you on all platforms. You need to work, work, work. And I think because of this kind of this rhetoric going on this, this culture, I think for me personally, I think you can almost stop blocking out the gut feeling or you can block out kind of like, but I don’t think I want to do that,
those feelings like that little voice saying, I don’t want to do that. That sucks. I don’t want to do that. And what you’re saying there is by listening to this kind of like this higher self or this intuition, you can actually become a more embodied version of yourself who is happier and more confident because you want, you’re listening to that voice,
Right, totally that, you know, the classic way that most of us have been conditioned, particularly, you know, in the Western world in that kind of hustle, struggle, mentality around how, around how life works and how it’s meant to work and how we’re meant to be and show up. Right. If I think back to myself, you know,
working in, working in schools as a teacher, I was very much like indoctrinated into that energy of you work harder. You do more success equals you know, me being stressed is me actually being successful because here I am with this stress as a badge of honor, right. That I’m actually, I’m working hard. And I was up, I was up marking the books until 11 o’clock last night.
So I must be like doing this whole life thing. Well, and of course it’s a load of absolute crap when we truly kind of look at what’s going on there. And, you know, I refer to it constantly as gets this waking up. It’s this waking up from this sleep walking mode that so many of us have been conditioned to live in to just taking on that conditioning and the beliefs of all the people around us,
which fundamentally are beliefs that have, that have been created from a place of our egos and our egos kind of other voices there. I mean, fundamentally, you know, the ego is not bad in any way. It’s actually a beautiful thing. That’s here to protect us and to serve us, but in attempting to protect us and to serve us, it’s kind of taking on things that actually keep us small and keep us seeing ourselves as being separate to other people in some way and,
and kind of keeping us safe in that way of like don’t actually step forward and do anything outside the norm because that might be dangerous. And so we kind of stay in this little light worker bee mentality, which just fundamentally doesn’t us. I talk about it being the difference between being, oh, hello. But the difference between being in our, doing energy,
being in our, doing energy and being in a being energy and that doing energy, you know, doing and taking action is a really powerful, positive thing, right? I’m never at any point going to say, don’t take action. The key though is we’ve been conditioned to live in our doing energy for most of the time and the doing energy. Isn’t actually necessarily about the physical actions we’re taking.
You can be in your doing energy, just sat here, technically doing nothing, because even the thinking from the mind is a doing the thinking is, is being done. It’s a doing so when we’re kind of in that energy of like, I’m just constantly switched on to the thoughts that coming in and I’m believing all the thoughts and I’m getting carried away with all the thoughts and I’m getting now stress and anxious because of the thoughts and you know,
and all of that. And then almost like trying to, trying to like move away from, or trying to, to, to get rid of, or run up, run from all of this that’s going on. So now I’m going to do loads and I’m going to do this and this, and I’m not going to stop because when I stopped, then the thoughts are going to come back in and that’s going to be too much.
But actually both of those things are doing energies. And so the key for me over the last few years has been allowing myself to be in my total being energy. It’s why meditation is so powerful because meditation fundamentally, when we have really allowed ourselves to lean into it and allowed ourselves to, to not necessarily release or certainly not delete the thoughts that are in our mind,
but simply notice the thoughts that were in our mind without attaching to them and believing them and going down the path of them, then that is us in our being energy. And from that being energy, we are connected to a higher self, you know, ourselves as the conscious awareness that is simply observing it all. And that for me is where all of the ideas absolutely flow.
That is where then I’m taking action from alignment rather than taking action from the misalignment that my mind is like telling me, and then this, and then we’ll do this. And then we’ve got to sort this, and then we’ve got to be here. And then right. Taking action from that place. You know, one action taken from alignment from a being energy is going to be so much more powerful and potent than a hundred actions taken from a place of misalignment and from like fundamentally doing energy,
right? And what’d you say, because I have heard from numerous people actually over the past year, people who are high flyers, people who are earning big amounts of money, they’re big, big players that underneath they feel that maybe they haven’t been not, not telling the truth, but they’re not, they’re not living in full alignment with what their truth is.
They feel that they have gone off, down a route, which is, you know, what they should be doing. And they’re making loads of money. So all is good, but underneath something’s jarring with them and they’re feeling like this, this isn’t the truth. This isn’t what I’m here to do. And I’m not, I’m not feeling 100% fired up about this,
or I’m feeling stressed because I’m not in alignment. So have you got any advice for the people who are listening to this show who are maybe in that kind of, that kind of state of living where they’ve, they’re doing well, you know, that they’re earning good money, they’re, you know, outwardly successful, but underneath some things jarring that they’re just like that there’s something inside them.
That’s telling them they want to go in a different way. And they like that, that isn’t the real me. I want them, I want to be able to express the whole of me. That is true. What advice would you give to those people? Like what first step could they take to start getting into more alignment with who they really are?
Ryan and I, you know, I absolutely do have some advice on when it comes to that, but firstly, I just want to kind of, I want to take a moment to just really like, for us to be aware of what you’ve just said, because you just said something and pinpointed something that is so powerful and so true and kind of just actually holding some space for,
for that awareness first around, this is something I see more and more and you know, I am not here to judge like other people and to say like, you know, oh, I bet that person, like they’re saying that they’ve, you know, they’ve got the million pound business and all of this and then, you know, shouting about all the,
their money and this, that and the other. But they’re probably not in alignment. I’m not here to judge that. Right. Or to assume that I’m sure there are plenty of people who have got these, you know, extremely successful. And I do the air quotes around successful because success like what, what even is that right? Like fundamentally for me,
it’s an inside job. It’s how I feel. But these kind of outwardly looking successful businesses often that we measure in terms of money, right? It’s it seems to be an easy metric for measuring those sorts of things. And yet inside themselves, they are just not feeling it. They are, you know, it’s kind of that like hollow feeling of success,
right? It’s like, hang on. Wasn’t I wasn’t, I meant to feel good when I got here, you know, I was meant to feel good. I’ve got all the things that I had on my list. I’ve ticked them all off the money and the, you know, and everyone’s everyone knows me and the blah blah and all of these things.
Right. But inside, I don’t feel that. And so fundamentally that comes from a place and you know, we’ve already kind of referred to this. If, if we are not creating our businesses on purpose from a place of alignment, checking in with ourselves at each step, if we are believing any point when I get there, then I’ll be happy when I get there,
when I get the next. And then when I have the, the 20 K months and then the 50 K months and then the a hundred K months, and then the block, right. When I get there, then I’ll be happy and I’ll kind of do anything I’ll get on that hamster wheel and hustle and grind and do everything that I’m supposed to do,
that all the marketing gurus and all of this tell me to do, to get to those places. Because when I get there, then I’ll be happy if we are not happy along the journey, we are not happy at the destination. Yeah. So just fundamentally how things work there is no, when I get there. And so we have to reconnect with all the possible ways.
We can be happy along the journey and allow the destination to just be the journey itself. Right. But destiny, there is really no destination. I mean, what even is that? So we can kind of almost see that every step is a new destination. And so I’ve got to choose to enjoy every single step. So for those people who, who are at that place,
and again, I see it a lot, a lot of the people I work with have created really successful businesses, you know, kind of from the outside. And I go, why do I feel hollow, Joe? Why, why do I actually just, why does it all feel like a bit of an anticlimax because they haven’t enjoyed the journey. First thing is firstly,
to notice that and see if they can release judgment on it. Because the thing, the only thing fundamentally, that’s the only thing that’s ever wrong is that I believe there’s something wrong. Right? I say that quite a lot. The only thing that’s ever wrong is I believe there’s something wrong. And it is, it is only ever our judgment of how things are in this moment,
the truly causes any suffering that we’re holding. And so, you know, what I tend to see is that these people who’ve kind of created these outwardly looking successful businesses, but they don’t feel it. They are in absolute, deep, deep judgment of themselves for doing that. They’re like, oh my God, I’ve done it all wrong. And now I feel crap.
And what’s and this, that, and the other. And so I obviously, I, you know, I should really should have done it in this way and you know, and all of that, that’s not going to help, right. Actually judging ourselves for where we are right now. It’s not going to help fundamentally, wherever we’re at right now is exactly where we’re meant to be.
It’s exactly where we’re meant to be. Everything has unfolded perfectly in our highest good in every single moment. And so there’s a reason why when people find themselves in that place, that they’re in that place, they were meant to learn from that they were meant to get to that place because there’s some higher, greater, deeper learning in there. And so from that place,
being able to actually just say, I’m exactly where I’m meant to be, then what learning can I take from this? What was I meant to learn from this experience? And then from that place now, rather than focusing on everything they’ve done in the past story or everything, how they’re feeling in this moment, that doesn’t feel good. If we focus on what doesn’t feel good and what hasn’t worked,
technically, if we’re on the misalignment that we are experiencing and kind of pulling that thread of them, why is that? And what have I done wrong, but know, pulling the thread of misalignment, then we’re just going to feel more misalignment really. Right. And so fundamentally from then, from that place, what does feel good? Even if it’s just 1% out of a hundred,
right? What does feel good? Am I being doing, saying, sharing, feeling, you know, what’s like the 1% even of this, that feels good and then focus on the one, not on the 99, whatever we focus on expands. And so when we notice that, then you will just naturally from that place of focusing on it, getting grateful for it,
you know, commenting and celebrating on that 1% every time that we see that. And it’s just seeing whether in the 99%, which will now be 90%, which will now be 80% seeing why the, when that comes up, we can just go, okay. Yeah. Thanks for showing me that actually right now I’m focusing on this. Yeah. That will just naturally expand and expand and expand until people start to recognize themselves being a certain way or doing certain things that the actually are starting to see them enjoying the journey of it more than they focus on this,
like outcome externally judged destination. I absolutely love that. And you know, what, as you were talking through that, I really felt like massively comfort is actually because it’s this, you almost need sometimes someone else to give you permission to kind of say, it’s like, no, you’re not actually focusing on what you want, what you want more of.
And it’s really, it’s funny that you say this because yesterday I did this exercise for myself because I realized that a certain route that I was going down in my own business, I was feeling a discord. I was definitely feeling like, and this had been going on for several weeks actually. And it kept bubbling up again. Every time I tried to push it down and ignore it,
it would bubble up again. And I’d even, I’m like, I’m one of those people I’m quite visual. So I always put something up on my wall with numbers I can cross off and all that kind of thing, because historically that’s motivated me. I haven’t even wanted to look at it this year. I’ve put it behind a door, you know,
that I leave open all the time. So it’s always covered. And I was kind of thinking, why, why is this, why am I not, why am I feeling this discord? And yesterday I sat down with two pieces of paper on one piece. I wrote a list of everything I don’t want in my business. Every single thing that I don’t want,
the kind of situations I don’t want to see more of. And on the other page, I wrote everything that I do want. And do you know what I was reading through that list of all the things that I don’t want. And I really felt kind of like birds, that I was releasing it on paper and actually taking note of the things that I don’t want.
But as I read through the things I do want, it was just like such a joyous, happy feeling. And absolutely like you say, what you focus on. And as I’ve read that through again, and then again, I was just like, this is the all that I want. And this is okay, this is doable. This is like,
this is absolutely, this can be real life. And that’s great. You know, I can see this. And I think it’s, it’s so lovely that you, you kind of articulate this so well because sometimes people just need some fricking permission almost from someone else to say, it’s like, whoa, you know, you don’t have to carry on doing stuff you don’t want.
Right. Fundamentally we can often feel like we need permission to enjoy what we’re doing, which just, when you kind of say it out loud, sounds completely crazy. Right. But it is how often we’re kind of living. And I see that more and more in the world of entrepreneurs and business owners in the, we can end up creating these businesses and then looking at them and going like what,
like I’m not even doing the things that I really enjoyed. And so then when we kind of go, you know, how has that ended up happening is it’s because we have created businesses based on what we think other people want to need or what other people will pay for rather than fundamentally on what lights us up. And I get that there are, you know,
there’s, you know, a lot of the, the kind of gurus and mentors and coaches out there kind of saying like, that’s how you create a business. Right? You create, you kind of look at what’s the need out there. What do they want? Who are those ideal clients? You know, what is it that they’re really wanting? What’s it worth to them?
What are they going to pay for it? And I’m not saying that, you know, all of that stuff is complete rubbish. Like actually leaning into that stuff at a point on your journey can be really useful. But fundamentally, rather than who’s my ideal client, who’s my ideal Mae, who is my ideal me, because if I can, and,
and what’s like the money I want to make and, you know, really coming from that place, like, it sounds like a quite selfish string thing. I’m all out for being selfish, to be honest. So that’s not a bad thing for me, but fundamentally it’s that like, I need to really feel lit up in my business. It has to be coming from a place of,
it feels good to me. And often as you just did writing those things down on paper and just, you know, quite regularly just doing a check-in with, hang on, have I started to follow, you know, this kind of, I should be, and I need to be, and what other people are telling me. And I started doing it from that place,
the whole purpose of starting your own businesses, it’s your own business. Like, literally we can do whatever the hell we like. We can literally do whatever the hell we like. And yet we can find ourselves kind of sleep walking into a place where we go, hang on, I’ve ended up creating this business. That actually isn’t me doing what I like,
and I’m not actually making the money I want to make. And I’m not, you know, all of it is, all of it is a choice and what I absolutely love about my business. And I am not saying that it’s perfect. That’s the whole point of it is absolutely beautifully messy. But what I love about my business is that every single part of it I am doing on purpose and I’ve chosen on purpose because fundamentally the success I’m talking about is an inner success.
There’s a reason I ever want that money is because there’s something in me that believes that that money will allow me to feel more of the feelings I want to feel, right. The only reason we ever want money is because we think that money is going to lead us to more freedom. Money is going to lead us to more flexibility. Money is going to lead us to more joy,
more happiness, more, you know, all of that. Fundamentally. I know that I already, all of those feelings are inside me. I don’t have to get anywhere or get anything to feel those feelings fundamentally. I am those vibrations. I, as my pure being, as myself as higher self conscious awareness, I am those vibrations. They can’t go anywhere.
And so from that place, I have that true inner success in that feeling. And therefore that is when the money just kind of flows to me without me having to actually do much to create it. Absolutely. And I absolutely love this whole success markers thing because to me, one way that I know that I’m being successful in my business is that I have a nap every day,
every day, I have a great big glorious nap, and it’s usually a minimum of half an hour. Sometimes it’s like two hours. And that to me is a massive success marker. Because when I was employed, when I was an event manager, the thought of having a nap in the day was like some distant unicorn magical labs that just didn’t even exist.
Whereas now I can do like crack on with all my work and it all sorted. And then I’m like, do you know what? I’m sleepy? I’m going to go for a nap. And it’s just like, yes, but that’s me getting like some massive chunk of money in or whatever. Cause it’s like, yes, I’m having a nap. And that’s something that I can enjoy every single day and celebrate that,
that nap time, you know, That’s the thing fundamentally, why do you want more money? So you can have more naps, right? So you can choose to have naps now, then that’s how the more money is going to flow. That is the key to it. Like, would you actually, if, if there, if you had to choose and you ask that you don’t right,
but if you had to choose between having the nap and having the loads of money, you choose having the nap and from that place of choosing the nap, because then that is the thing that makes you feel good and joyful and realigns you with yourself, then the money comes. So actually he didn’t even need to choose because you can have both. But if we choose solely to,
to like kind of try and like run towards the money and we don’t connect with what we fundamentally are at our core, meaning by like the money or, and what it actually means to us and what it can do for us and what we want to connect with. And if we feel like any point, we want that money because we believe we’re lacking that money and it is not going to flow in like you might be able to get it,
but there’s going to be a hell of a hard hustle and struggle to get it. And you’re not going to enjoy it. There has to be the way that we actually create anything is by believing we already have it, which I know sounds kind of a bit crazy. Right. But if there’s, if there’s a belief that I don’t have this thing and therefore I want to have this thing,
because I think I don’t have it. And I think that I’m not enough without this thing. Then we are trying to create something from that lack of scarcity energy. And from lack of scarcity, we’re just going to create even more lack and scarcity. It’s why goals for people and setting goals and having goals often is a really kind of hot topic and debate in so many different ways.
And so many people really struggle with that is because most of the time, unfortunately people are choosing and creating goals from a lack mentality rather than from an abundance mindset they’re choosing and creating goals because they’re saying basically, you know, and, and they’re putting in all the nice language and saying, no, it’s the time wants it. Right. You know,
I want it. And I choose it rather than I need it. They recognize actually putting it in that language is useful, but it’s still fundamentally coming from a need energy from this type of something wrongly. If I don’t have it from the energy, it’s going to just create more of the lack rather than the actual thing. There has to be a level of,
again, as I said, there has to be before any goal can truly be created, manifested whatever word you want to want to use. There has to be that level of enoughness already. There has to be that level of, I, I actually believe I already have it. I already am it. And then we can, we can truly call it in it,
in create it on purpose from that place. Otherwise, it’s just going to always feel like this kind of hall thing. Why am I, why do I never seem to be able to create my, like, actually create my goals or, or manifest, you know, these things, everyone else, and their dog seems to be able to manifest and why aren’t I doing it well,
right. Or, or why is it that when I do manage to get there, I feel crap when I’m there. And it is simply because the goal has been chosen from a place of mind and the thinking brain, rather than from a place of soul and connectedness and some more kind of like, like guided kind of cold energy. Would you, is there any one specific,
this is probably quite a hard question actually. Is there one specific tip or strategy that you could share if somebody is going down a route that they’re, you know, maybe they’re kind conditioned to the goal setting or they’re, they’re living in a feeling of discord with who their true, true self is. Is there one thing that you could share that the listeners could do as a practice or as a habit,
maybe to start building on, to get them into the zone where they’re actually making progress in the right direction towards what their aligned self really wants them to be doing? Is there something that you always use the terminology of waking up and I love that. Is there something that you could share with the listeners that could get them into that zone quickly as a tool to use?
Right. The one thing that’s coming straight to mind is too, and, you know, not necessarily forever, excuse me, but four eight for a period of time so that they can come back to a place of realignment and really is realignment because our true nature is that of alignment is that of connection is of love, is of joy. So to come back to that realignment is for a period of time release any need for what I refer to as destination goals,
those kinds of goals that come from that, you know, the, the 10 K months or the, you know, the goals that come more from a place of the ego, kind of saying, really, I should be doing this, or I need this. Right. And so then there’s that part that goes, no, but hang on, Joel.
I do want that as well. I want that as well. And I, I, I get that and I hear that, but just for awhile release this destination goal kind of thing, and lean into what I refer to as journey intentions, lean into, what do I actually want to feel like in this moment, in that moment, what this co this potential destination goal that I had about 10 K months?
Like why, what was the reason behind it? Why did I want to have the 10 K month? Was it because there’s something the other, we might even notice in that we might even start to notice why actually it’s come more from a place of kind of ego and this attachment and ego, when, when we notice that some of the answers that come up,
why do I want the 10 K months for some sort of validation? Like, actually, because I want some sort of validation or significance or importance or whatever. And again, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Simply notice that to don’t have to go into judgment around it. Oh, that’s just, okay. Right now. That’s how you’re kind of thinking mind.
I see you. Yeah. You’re kind of wanting that validation. Okay. I get it. That’s all right. But actually what, when we can kind of move past that, that level of it. We see that really? What is it? Is it freedom? Is it you’re looking for more flexibility? Is it more joy? Is it more,
you know, whatever else it is actually create those as your kind of goals, or as I will call a journey, intentions, make those, your intentions create some sort of mantra around it. Something you can kind of repeat to yourself, write down every day. You know, I, I allow myself to lean into ease and flow or freedom or flexibility or,
you know, whatever else it is. And then purposefully choose to notice, to look forward, to find, and to celebrate those things in your life every single day. Because from that place, what ends up happening is often those, what were then the destination goals almost kind of beautifully creep back in, but they creep back in now from a place of enoughness or above enoughness up to abundance rather than just being in that energy of lack and scarcity.
And below enough enoughness because we already then are mind body, soul. All of us recognizes. I already have these things. I already am these things. And therefore it will allow us to attract in the light for like energy of those things. And if that’s meant to be the 10 K 20 K months or the whatever else it is, that’s more of a kind of tack that,
a tangible, practical goal that we’ve created from that thinking mind, if they’re meant for us, they will just, they’ll just flow into meet that energy. That’s what you will, and you’ll find yourself being guided and called to take actions from this place of alignment, say it was ease and flow from this place of alignment and ease and flow. You’ll be just guided to take actions that then suddenly creating the,
the money that you’ve said you wanted or whatever else it is. We try. And a lot of the time, particularly within the world of things like manifestation or of attraction, people will say, and mentors and guides and girls will say, oh, you’ve got to be really specific. The universe loves it when you’re specific. Yes, that’s true. However,
where people can fall down there is that if we’re being specific from our thinking brain, our mind, our ego, then we are actually going to create more lack and scarcity. If we’re being specific from our more of a soul connection and a really wide awake mind, and even a wide awake on purpose ego then great. But that’s not actually where most of us are.
Most of us are at a place where we actually are much better to widen and broaden the focus of what we’re wanting to make it into the feeling vibrations that we’re wanting. And then the specifics naturally start to come into us and are shown to us. That’s actually a much easier way of doing it than trying to go straight to the specifics potentially from a place of ego,
rather than from our higher selves. I love this. That makes so much sense to me. Cause I, I think for me, just kind of putting that what you’ve just been teaching there across into an example in my own life, we live in a lovely house, really, really lovely. And I’ve always said, if we could pick it up and just put it on a cliff somewhere,
it would be perfection. But actually when I’m thinking about the feeling that I’d want to have from having that house on a cliff, it’s me being outside in the garden on some nice garden furniture and just enjoying being outside and that feeling I can actually get here, you know? And it’s like, yeah, I suppose I’m then taking aligned action from that.
It’s so much nicer, isn’t it, it’s like the journey so much more pleasant instead of like a kind of a hammer to hit yourself with. You’re kind of actually enjoying the journey. And that’s what, And that’s, that’s the key part is that when whatever you want to call it, the universe higher self, whatever, you know, whatever it is,
your thing, God, whatever whomever, when it’s been recognized from that kind of wonderful source energy that we are as we, we, we actually are that lovely source energy, but it’s been recognized from that lovely source energy in that higher, deeper place that we already have. That thing that is when it manifests. Right. And we can do that.
That’s the beauty that we have as human beings. We have access to these minds and our mind as well as often feeling like when, when we kind of don’t recognize the power of it. And we’re just in that sleep walking mode with the mind, the mind can actually feel like a really difficult place to be. It’s the place where all the thoughts are just coming.
And if, if we haven’t recognized that we are something more than our thoughts and we just believe we are those thoughts, then, then that can be a really kind of challenging thing. When we truly start to understand the power of the mind and start to utilize the power of the mind non purpose, we recognize that we in our minds and really in,
in what we’d refer to as our subconscious or unconscious minds, we do not know the difference between what is happening in apparent external reality. And what’s actually happening. When we imagine something, visualize something in our minds, then, then, then our mind believes that is actually happening. It stores that and responds to that as it’s actually happening in this moment,
I could get into the energy of believing. I’ve just made my first million. And I could absolutely visualize that. I could see myself where I am when that, you know, the news comes through and how I’m feeling and all of that. And my mind and body will respond to that in exactly the same way. Maybe not as kind of intensely,
but I absolutely can turn up the intensity, but it will respond to that in exactly the same way as it would respond to it as if it was happening in this physical reality. And so the more we can get our mind experiencing that and feeling that it works on so many different levels, it allows us, as you’ve just said, it allows us to be able to enjoy that experience in this now moment and choose to enjoy that experience on purpose,
which is a beautiful thing. And what it also does is it helps our minds to start to actually create that from a more practical, tangible place, because our subconscious or unconscious mind, absolutely craves familiarity and certainty, it is going to push us away from anything that doesn’t feel familiar and certain to us. And therefore, if we’ve got this kind of new thing that we want and we’re kind of trying to work towards it,
but the mind’s like, I’ve never experienced that. I don’t know what that’s like. So that must be dangerous for us. It’s going to push away and push away and push away. So if we can choose on purpose to visualize, to imagine that thing in that experience and do that even just a few times, or maybe even do it regularly, if you really want to start racing results,
then suddenly the mind goes, oh, we’re familiar with this. We’ve already done this. So there’s absolutely no reason to like, stop this from manifesting in physical, actual reality, you know, from so many levels, it just, it’s such a powerful thing. That’s literally just giving me like shipper because it’s just, it’s so, so powerful. And what I love is that this can apply to anybody at any stage in their journey.
So for the people who are, you know, maybe working for other people still, and they long to work for themselves, they can stop picturing that. Cause at first it is terrifying. Isn’t it leaving a predictable salary every month to going out into the unknown and working for yourself is terrifying. But actually if you can make yourself comfortable with it over time,
like you say, it will just become like, well, that’s normal. Of course, it’s what I need to be doing. And I love that. And the same for people who are, may be opposite ends of the spectrum who are really far on in their businesses, but maybe feeling a call to follow a different path, you know, that that’s scary,
isn’t it? Because we’re, you know, thinking, but this is predictable. I know that what I’m doing sells, and I’m going to take a job to do something new, but by thinking these kinds of situations over and over again, and like you say, adding, feeling, adding intensity by doing that, anyone can change the path that they’re on.
And that’s, so that’s really, I find that really comforting, like really comforting, encouraging a positive thought. So hopefully anyone who’s listening to this, who’s kind of in those kinds of situations that they don’t want to be in. I think it’s that message isn’t there that anyone can make that change at any time. Right? Everything has to be created in energy before it is actualized in a physical form.
Everything starts from that place. And we are constantly doing that. All of us are absolute masters at manifestation with whether you refer to it as that in that way as or not, we are all manifesting all the time. All manifesting means. Is that something that was out of my conscious awareness is now in my conscious awareness, right? I like to see it now.
And, and that is happening with every single thing that’s that you know, is coming into our experience. It’s kind of manifested in that way, but what tends to happen until we start to dig a bit deeper and understand how these things work, we’re just going through this like sleepwalking mode and we’re manifesting mainly from our ego and manifesting from the thinking mind,
and we’re not doing anything deliberately, not doing anything kind of on purpose. And we’re also not necessarily really consciously connecting with our soul self, our higher self, this kind of why is a true, a part of us that actually has, you know, can beautifully take the reins for us actually, that, that is there to be able to completely take the reins away from us,
needing to do anything or shooting, to do anything from the mind and body self, which is a really beautiful thing. And, and so if we can, from this place of awareness, waking up to this awareness that we are the deliberate creators of our own experience, we can choose on purpose to create everything we’ve ever wanted. And that starts in an energetic form.
It starts by us thinking and feeling about it in mind and body, but thinking and feeling about it on purpose rather than just believing all the natural thoughts that are popping in that aren’t necessarily serving us when we can think and feel about it when we can get into the energy vibration of it in our bodies. Because really rather than the thoughts themselves, it’s never actually the thoughts that are manifesting.
It’s the feeling vibrations that create the manifestation because the light vibration attracts in another light vibration. And so it’s our job then to deliberately notice the feeling vibrations that are in our bodies to really start to tune into them, which is a lot of the work I do with people that they think that they’re tuned into their body to some degree and the emotions and the feelings that are there.
But actually when we start really working together, they start to realize, oh my God, I really wasn’t actually tuned in to these really specific energies in my body. And it’s the energies in the body and the feeling vibrations that are going to call in, you know, whatever it is that we’re wanting. And so coming from a place of doing that on purpose,
then just means that what, well, what I love is that it kind of people get to a point where they’ll say to me, Joe, I had this thing, or I wanted this actual practical, tangible, like thing outside of me, like the new house, right. Or the money or whatever. And they’re like, they come to a place where they’re like,
and actually I’ve totally, I I’m here. I’ve got it. And they say that, and then the light, but I haven’t physically got it. The only tiny detail is that it hasn’t physically manifested yet, but already have it. They literally are in the energy of it’s so much that it actually matters not to them, whether the thing physically materializes or not.
And it’s from that place that it will physically materialize if it’s meant to, cause they no longer need it. They no longer make having it or not having it mean anything about who they are and about their success or lack of success or whatever else it is. And so yeah, whether that’s from, you know, people who’ve been in business for a long time who,
who haven’t necessarily lent into being as deliberate as possible as they can about the thinking and the feeling energy and what that caused in, or whether it’s for people who, you know, as of yet are only just have a seedling of inspiration or idea, or even just like hate what they’re doing. And so want to be able to create something else. Then,
then we all have access to these beautiful minds and bodies. And we absolutely all have access to that higher self, that soul self that we can lean into and allow, allow ourselves to be guided by that, that energy. I love that so much. Thank you so much for describing it so clearly for us. So, so good to listen to.
And so tell me, you, you clearly do work with clients. One-to-one you do group coaching. I know talking of recurring revenue, you’ve got your own membership, haven’t you? So for people listening to the show, how can they reach out to you? How can they kind of, if someone is wanting to work with you more closely, how can people get in touch with you?
Yeah. Do you know, this is always a really interesting question for me and I love it because as you probably know, right. From everything that we’ve been talking about, this is how I work in my business. And so for me, what flows through in the moment is what flows through in the moment. And that means that I know you kind of change and tweak your offers and the ways people work with you in lots of different ways.
Right. Kind of really feeling into what feels good for you. That’s exactly what I do. And so there are lots of different ways you can work with me and they, they kind of, they change depending on what’s going on and how I’m feeling. I never have that need to say, this is just how you work with me. And it’s always going to be like that because I go with the flow.
The one thing I do love that I have that that has just been an absolute joy and does seem to continue to be a joy and a joy and a joy is my membership. So my membership for, for kind of newer coaches, people starting and building their coaching businesses coaching club. And as you say, as a membership, I started it through working with you,
right. And us like literally the infancy of that beautiful idea. And that continues to be something that’s just so aligned and I love, and I will continue to do it as long as I continue to love it. I’m not saying that’s going to be forever and I’m okay with that. But right now I’m loving it. And I continue to do that,
supporting newer, newer, and kind of, you know, coaches just in their first few years of business. And then also working with me one-to-one really is how that real deep alignment work happens. And so the best way to find me to chat about that is simply to find me on Facebook, Joe Norton, I am just a normal person there on Facebook,
you know, with, with a profile that you can connect and be friends with me and chat to me and drop me a message, but also on my website, if you want kind of any more information. So yeah, Joe Norton Norton Norton it in the way. I always have to spell it out. So are they N A U G H T O N naughty.
I was thinking That’s so great. Thank you so much coming along and sharing your wisdom with us today. I think for me personally, that I just find it such a comforting energizing message. And I think it’s, for me personally, I want to be able to make more of a practice and more of a habit of reminding myself to check in with those feelings on a day-to-day basis.
So hopefully that’s something that the listeners will be able to take on board as well. So yeah. Big, big, thank you for coming along and thank you everyone for listening or watching along with the episodes day. And I will be back next week next Monday with a brand new episode of the Recurring Revenue Rocks Show.